The Impact of Clean Water on Skin and Hair Health: Clean Water for Clean Beauty

While the tap water here in Reno may be safe to drink, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is good for your skin and hair. In fact, water quality can have a huge impact on the health of your skin and hair. 


Hard Water vs. Soft Water

Hard or soft water all depends upon the mineral content. Water that is high in calcium and magnesium is considered hard whereas water with low amounts of calcium and magnesium is considered soft. In the United States 85% of homes have hard water. Despite that staggering number, hard water continues to have adverse effects on everything from home maintenance to personal hygiene. 


Effects of Hard Water on Hair 

According to the National Library of Medicine, hard water has a huge impact on the health of one’s hair. Specifically in the breakage and fragility of the hair. In a study done in 2018, the strength of hair washed with hard water as compared to soft water was put to the test. The study concluded by saying that there is, “a significant statistical decrease in the strength of hair,” after being treated with hard water.


Effects of Hard Water on Skin

Similarly to the negative effects that hard water can have on hair, your skin is not left unaffected. One such example is in the occurrence and severity of eczema. In a 2022 study conducted in the UK it was concluded that, “increasing levels of hard water…were associated with an increased prevalence of eczema in adults.” Additionally, hard water can lead to problems with dry skin. A study published in 2021 concluded that water hardness, by itself, could lead to severe dry and irritated skin. While dry skin on its own might not seem so bad, it can then act as a conduit for a slew of other skin issues including irritation, acne, inflammation, wrinkles, and premature aging.


Hard Water Making Your Life Hard?

Now that we all know about the adverse effects that hard water can have on your hair and skin, you may be feeling worried about the state of your own water. The good news is that we are here to help! Water Unlimited offers a Free Water Analysis test to see where your water may lie on the hard to soft scale. You can schedule your appointment here


From there, we can determine the next best step for you and for your water! 

¹ Luqman MW, Ramzan MH, Javaid U, Ali R, Shoaib M, Luqman MA. To Evaluate and Compare Changes in Baseline Strength of Hairs after Treating them with Deionized Water and Hard Water and its Role in Hair Breakage. Int J Trichology. 2018 May-Jun;10(3):113-117. doi: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_115_16. PMID: 30034190; PMCID: PMC6028999.

²Lopez DJ, Singh A, Waidyatillake NT, Su JC, Bui DS, Dharmage SC, Lodge CJ, Lowe AJ. The association between domestic hard water and eczema in adults from the UK Biobank cohort study. Br J Dermatol. 2022 Nov;187(5):704-712. doi: 10.1111/bjd.21771. Epub 2022 Aug 18. PMID: 35822417; PMCID: PMC9804584.

³Henning MAS, Ibler KS, Ullum H, Erikstrup C, Bruun MT, Burgdorf KS, Dinh KM, Rigas A, Thørner LW, Pedersen OB, Jemec GB. The association between water hardness and xerosis-Results from the Danish Blood Donor Study. PLoS One. 2021 Jun 2;16(6):e0252462. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252462. PMID: 34077478; PMCID: PMC8171951.

What are the dangers waiting in unfiltered and untreated water?

Not sure why you should consider investing in water filtration? Check out a short list of dangers that might be lurking in unfiltered and untreated water:


Majority of pathogenic bacteria that is present in water is caused by humans/animal faeces that contaminate it. Disinfecting the water (with chlorine, for instance) often kills all the bacteria. There is another potential threat, though, which is the bacteria developing in the water mains. For this reason, water suppliers make it a point to add some chlorine to protect the water that flows from the treatment plant to a home.


Cryptosporidium and giardia belong to this group. These can bring about severe illness while their cysts often resist disinfection.


A number of viruses present in water can be potentially harmful. Water disinfection often kills most viruses but those that remain can make a person ill. The severity of such a problem in some countries as a cause of viral infection (whether it is from food, water or an infected person) has not yet been determined since it is hard to trace.

Chemical risks

It is easy for pesticides and herbicides to find their way into the waterways of rural areas. Some may be carcinogenic and have been present for quite some time. These chemicals can sometimes be found in low concentrations so when drinking water is tested it is often free of them. However, only some water authorities check them on a regular basis.


Sewage and fertilizer run-off are the main sources of such chemicals in waterways. In rural areas, groundwater supplies possibly have high concentrations of nitrate. Though nitrate is not harmless, it can convert into nitrite, which poses a threat to the health of babies by reducing the amount of oxygen carried by the blood. When nitrate is a problem in some areas, the water supplier usually advises people to give bottled/rain water for babies below 3 months.

Chlorine and chlorination by-products

Water authorities often add chlorine or chloramine to eliminate bugs in the water that goes through the treatment plant as well as protect it from getting contaminated again as the water flows through the distribution system. Depending on some parameters, these chemicals can react with organic substances that occur naturally in the water and form potentially harmful by-products (trihalomethanes or THM). People can see the maximum concentration for such by-products in the guidelines for drinking water. Here, it states that though their concentration should be reduced, drinking water disinfection should not be compromised. The risks involved in having these by-products are significantly less than the danger posted by the existence of pathogenic micro-organisms.


In the 1960s, 1970s and until now, fluoride is added to drinking water since it has been proven to be effective in reducing tooth decay. At present, fluoride from other sources can protect like toothpastes and fluoride treatment that are applied to teeth. According to critics, fluoridated water is not a necessity as it may cause dental fluorosis or mottled teeth in those who get too much of it plus no one knows the potential health risk given by drinking fluoridated water in a lifetime.


Chemicals with aluminum are used in a process known as flocculation, which gets rid of suspended particles in the water to make it clearer. A high percentage of the aluminum used can be removed from the water but still, small amounts can pass through. Therefore, some water authorities stopped using aluminum chemicals and replaced these with other alternatives.

Whenever you decide on buying some quality water filters, you can rely on us!

What can a water filter do for your health?

Get Rid of Dissolved Organic Contaminants

In addition to the main contaminants present in water such as chlorine and heavy metals, another concern regarding tap water is dissolved organics, which include drugs, pesticides and hormone residues. Since this issue is rather recent, this still needs to be investigated.

Although there is no scientific proof that traces of these residues in water are harmful when consumed, certainly a water filter could help reduce their effects. The capacity of a water filter to potentially eliminate these contaminants depends on their quality. When the filter has more layers and elements, it can remove a greater quantity of contaminants.

Make Tea Taste Better

There are quite a few things in life held in high regard than a good cup of tea. People have their own way of enjoying tea and anyone who prepares it should know better than to prepare it the way they like it before getting the kettle.

One common benefit given by filtered water when people first heard of it is that it makes tea taste so much better and everyone knows how people love their tea. In areas with hard water or where limescale causes problems, a water filter makes the difference when it is time for a good cuppa.

Reduce Limescale

There are different water filters and when it comes to removing limescale from drinking water, a countertop water filter does the job. Places that have hard water have bigger limescale problems. This is a residue left by calcium carbonate that causes the unsightly scaly layer present in boiled water. A water filter will get rid of the limescale seen in water used for drinking or cooking.

Reduce Cardio Stress

Some may not be aware of this but the benefits of a water filter extend into the world of fitness. Although this may not be the case will all kinds of water filters, according to scientific research, alkalizing supplements can minimize cardio stress after an intense physical workout.

There was a study of two groups, each composing of twelve professional skiers that were tested if ingesting an alkalizing substance could enhance cardiorespiratory, among other performance markers. This resulted to the test group experiencing significant higher levels of upper body strength, lower cardio stress and lower blood lactate levels as compared to the placebo group.

Make it Easier to Drink More Water

One benefit of a countertop filter that is underrated is that it will encourage people to drink lots of water. As per water filter reviews, people have discovered that there was an increase in their water intake when they purchased a new filter.

Clean, drinking water that is rich in minerals is readily available, meaning; they do not have to travel all the way to the grocery to buy bottled water or deal with the unpleasant taste of tap water when they need more hydration.

Haven’t found a reliable water filtration installer Sparks yet? Come to our website to discover why our water softener installer Sparks might be a great match for you!

Water softeners – Salt-based vs Salt free

Salt Based Water Softeners

In essence, Water Softening is the removal of Calcium (Ca2+) as well as Magnesium (Mg2+) from water by means of an ion exchange process that makes use of polymer resin bed, which discharges a sodium particle to replace hardness minerals.

A water test shows results such as this. Before treatment there are 10 grains per gallon and after treatment there are 0 grains per gallon. This is an effective system.

A salt based water softener makes use of an electronic metered valve, which is mounted onto a fiberglass resin tank that measures water by the gallon then runs a cleaning cycle once the iron resin bed arrives at a saturation point. Throughout the cleaning cycle, an electronic valve runs a series of backflushes to clean up the hardness particles that have been trapped from the system and flushes them down the drain. The sodium is refilled in the resin bed all through the cycle then everything is set to go once more.

Salt Free Water Softeners as a Descaling Treatment

The abovementioned salt based process (water softening) is the removal of hardness minerals from the water. On the other hand, the salt-free process does not remove hardness minerals from the water but instead, alters their form to prevent them from adhering to surfaces. In truth, “Salt free” water softeners are “water conditioners” and not really softeners.

Through a physical process known as Template Assisted Crystallizaition or TAC, water flows through a catalytic media. Then the hardness minerals turns into hardness crystals that will not attach themselves to surfaces. In truth, this is water conditioning and not softening.

A water test shows results such as this: Before treatment there are 10 grains per gallon and after treatment there are 10 grains per gallon. Though there is still hardness, it was altered to prevent it from adhering to surfaces.

A salt-free system does not require an electrical valve since this functions as a water conditioner that does not capture anything but removing the need to get rid of any minerals.

The System that will Make Residents Happy

Households that use salt-based water softeners Reno let people enjoy the “slick” feeling of water while showering and the lather that the soap creates. According to experts, this is how it feels to be really clean., which is because of the minerals removed from water that are no longer there to make the skin dry. This also gives other advantages like maintaining the colors of clothes since that water no longer has abrasive minerals in it. Whether people like to avoid getting scale build-up on their shower and bathroom fixtures, have dingy clothes or would like to use less soap, their best choice would be a salt water softener.

A salt-free water conditioner creates hardness crystals but do not remove minerals from the water. Since the crystal will not bind to surfaces, scale build-up will be reduced. People who use this will use less soap and see brighter clothes. The main advantage of using a salt free system is that it is maintenance free. This does not require electricity and salt/chemicals nor does it waste water. If people do not like the slick feeling of using soft water and do not want to deal with salt/chemicals or clothes do not seem dingy, then they should go for salt free technology considering they are not assuming to get the same outcome as the salt based process.

If you are looking for reliable water treatment Reno specialists, get in touch with us today!

3 Water Filtration Issues That Can Affect The Quality of Water

The water filtration system for a home that is incorporated to its plumbing system gets rid of contaminants. Water filter issues must be repaired by a professional to prevent residents from becoming ill or exposed to harmful chemicals.

If people are not satisfied with the look, taste and the odor of their home’s tap water, they can decide on a home water filtration system to address their water problems. Water filtration systems can eliminate a wide range of contaminants that result to water that tastes and smells better. In addition, such systems can allow them to save on expenses. Following you can discover 3 water filtration issues that affect the quality of your drinking water:

Water filtration systems are installed by plumbers in order for homeowners to benefit from healthy, tasty water that is free of contaminants. However, there are times when these water filtration systems encounter problems. If ignored and not treated, these could make the quality of drinking water even worse. Whatever problem a water filtration has, this can be repaired by a skilled service.

Dirty Filter

Perhaps the most common problem encountered by residential water filtration systems is a dirty filter. This lets chemicals and heavy metals to find its way into drinking water. There are different types of water filtering systems, each of which has its own requirements for maintaining the filter. There are filters than can cleaned and reused. Some filters have to be replaced on a specified date. Homeowners should be mindful of the maintenance needs of their filter and let plumbers keep the filter updated.


Another common issue with water filters is mold. Filters that are moist and warm are prone to the growth of cold spores. Usually, mold develops when the water filter has not been cleaned or replaced on the schedule recommended by the manufacturer. Replacing a moldy water filter is a must since residents may become ill and have allergic reactions when exposed to mold.


When sediments accumulate in a filter, this can clog the aerator, preventing water from coming out of the faucet. As a result, the water pressure will increase in the pipe and fixture. When the water pressure rises to a very high level, it could cause the pipe to burst. Also, bacterial plaques can accumulate on the filter. This is usually the case with iconic water filtration systems. Plumbers can use treatments like lime removal chemicals to dissolve the buildup of sediments in the aerator and filter. They can also other techniques to disinfect the filter. There are some instances that require the iconic water filter to be replaced.

Are you worried about your city water Reno? Do you need help from a professional to assure you have city water safe to drink Reno? Get in touch with our team, we can help!

Well water and city water – Know what you’re drinking

Well water and public water systems are two well  known drinking water sources. No matter what households use , whether well water or public water that the municipality treats before reaching their faucets, people should invest in a water softener filter combo so they can receive pure, filtered and clean soft water.

It is important to know the difference between well water and city water, which passes through a treatment facility.

Do they get city water or well water?

Fifteen million people in the US are dependent on well water that is why this is among the most commonly used sources of water. If they have been living in their current residence for quite some time they would know if they are using city water Reno or well water. However, if they just moved to some new place, they should ask themselves the following questions to know where their water comes from?

Do they get a water bill?

If they receive a water bill, it means they are using city water since they are obliged to pay for the water treated by the government.

Do they see a water pump anywhere near the house?

If they notice a water pump or pressure tank nearby then they are using well water, which has to be pumped from time to time.

Do they need to treat their well water?

The Environmental Protection Agency or EPA does not regulate well water. Therefore, if they are using well water, they are responsible for testing the quality of their water on a regular basis and have it treated to prevent it from getting contaminated by bacteria or virus.

More often than not, well water gets contaminated by bacteria and virus, among other contaminants. If the water is not treated by a water softener filter combo system, those who drink it may be susceptible to acute gastroenteritis disease.

When they have just moved to a new home, they should see to it that the water is tested by experts. They supply various types of certified laboratory tests to check the contaminants that exist in the water. This will help in deciding on the best water treatment plan.

How does the government treat city water?

The EPA regulates all municipal water supplies. The government facility treats city water by combining chlorine, chloramines and fluoride to neutralize the bacteria as well as other contaminants that cause waterborne diseases.

The problem is,  chemicals that are used for treating city water have their own issues. Chlorine, which is effective in disinfecting water, produces harmful byproducts. This can damage the central nervous system as well as increases the probability of getting kidney/liver cancer. Also, contaminants in hard water can shorten the lifespan of appliances that use water.

The Bottom Line

The most effective way to treat and obtain city water safe to drink Reno is by using a whole house water filtration system plus water softener system so that common contaminants like chlorine and heavy metals get filtered out and prevent hard water problems.

Get Informed About Hard Water and Start Saving Money

Many people don’t know how to determine if the water is hard or soft. It is easy to see the difference between these two types of water. Just look at your tub and shower head. Hard water leaves a white build-up of scale from mineral on your surfaces. These scales consist of calcium and magnesium that can accumulate in your pipes and in the long run, clog them.

Hardness Can Happen Temporarily

Some people assume they have soft water, as others tell them, until they notice that the shampoos, soaps and detergents they use do not lather very well. When this happens, they may be experiencing temporary water hardening. Water often becomes hard due to the bicarbonate minerals in it. You can make your water soft by boiling or just letting the minerals go through your water system.

Reasons Why People do not Like Hard Water

When your water contains minerals, this can bring about problems in your home. It may be fine to drink hard water, but generally, it does not make your skin and hair healthy. Though some issues may not pose any serious risks, others may need the help of professional plumbers:


Can lose its shine;

Easily gets dry and develop dandruff;

Never looks clean.


Always feels sticky;

Quickly dries out;

May cause eczema to develop in children.

When you use hard water in washing clothes, this can eventually ruin the fabric by breaking it down. When you wash them in soft water, it may leave traces of detergent in the fibers. It is therefore important to find a compromise if you want clean clothes without the damage.

Hard water can cause minerals to build-up in your pipes, and this may go unnoticed until they start to clog. A skilled plumber should flush out these mineral deposits to prevent them from damaging your pipes.

It is unfortunate, though, that most homeowners are not aware of this build up until serious problems happen. Installing a water softening system will remove scale build up and minimize the negative effects of hard water.

How to Treat Hard Water

If your water is too hard or too soft, this can be regulated by means of a treatment system, making it best for your family. When a treatment system is installed in your home by a professional, you water will become safe to drink, and will be good to use for washing.

Considering the benefits your family will get from the safe, pure water they can use, as well as the cost-savings you will have from having clear pipes, installing a water treatment system (whether a water softener or filter system) may turn out to be more affordable than you can imagine.

How Much Water Are You Drinking Every Day?

Some people do not realize the value of water, and how drinking it can have a huge effect on their overall health. Even if it is crucial to drink lots of water, many of these individuals may not be drinking the right amount of water every day.

According to the Institute of Medicine, men are advised to consume 3 liters of water a day, while women are supposed to consume 2.2 liters daily.

About 70% of the body is made up of water,while 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Since water is found everywhere, people take it for granted, and drinking a sufficient amount is not included in their list of priorities.

Among the different parts of the body, the kidneys depend a lot on sufficient water intake. Though these organs may not get much attention just like the heart or lungs, they have many important functions that help maintain the health of the body.

Reasons to Drink Water

The cells and organs of our body need water so that they can function well. In addition, this vital fluid regulates blood pressure, lubricates the joints, helps in the passage of food through the intestines, and protects the spinal cord and sensitive tissues.

Some of the water needed by the body comes from foods that have a high content of water – such as soups, oranges and tomatoes – but most of it comes from drinking water and other beverages.

As people do their normal daily activities, their body loses water and it has to be replenished. It is obvious that water is lost when sweating and urinating. However, many do not know that it is also lost when breathing.

Whether drinking from a bottle or the tap, water is the body’s best source of fluids. Milk and juices are good sources of water, while drinks with caffeine and alcohol content like coffee, soft drinks and beer are not very good – they have diuretic properties that cause the body to discharge water.

The Right Amount of Water to Drink

The right amount of water that should be consumed on a daily basis varies from one person to another, based on different factors – everyday activities and the amount of sweat they release. There is no universal rule as to the water consumption that needs to be achieved. Nevertheless, there is a general level of agreement as to the healthy amount.

The Institute of Medicine or IOM says that the sufficient amount of water that men should take is about 13 cups or 3 liters a day. They recommend 9 cups or about 2.2 liters for women.

It has always been said that people need to drink eight glasses (eight ounces per glass) a day, which is about 1.9 liters. This is very near the recommendation of IOM for women. It is somehow easy to remember the quantity 8 x 8 to set them on the right track, when it comes to water consumption.

What’s more, water also helps in dissolving nutrients and minerals to make them more available to the body. It also flushes waste products out of the body’s system. These two functions make water essential to the kidneys.

Short Q&A Session on Water Filtration

What does Water Filtration mean?

A. Walter filtration is the process wherein water goes through a system that involves one or more filters to remove the taste, odor, color, iron, turbidity and some chemicals like chlorine. It can be designed as cartridge devices or loose media tank-type systems. Generally, this process can consist of absorptive, catalyst/oxidizing, mechanical and neutralizing filters.

How can I know the contents of my water?

If a municipal water supplier provides your water, you can go over your “Consumer Confidence Report” (CRC) to know what is in your water. It is mandatory for public water suppliers to provide an annual CRC. If you have a private well, you can ask a certified laboratory to analyze your water.

Which among the water treatment products should I buy?

The moment you verify what is found in your water, it is easier to determine the elements you want to remove. This can be done by means of a water analysis. Then, find out which among the types of systems available can best suit your particular needs.

There are some resources that can help you in making your best decision. Do not buy a product that people sell using scare/alarm strategies, and before purchasing, verify with many resources to ensure you will get a top-quality system/replacement part.

When water treatment equipment is installed, will it need some service/parts?

Home water treatment equipment requires special attention, and most of them need the replacement of filters and membranes. It is best to consider the service and maintenance instructions recommended by the manufacturer.

Why does my water have a peculiar taste? Can this be remedied?

If you want the water at your sink – used for drinking and cooking – to be treated by means of a POU (point of use) system, you can opt for a reverse osmosis system. This can take away fluoride, iron, lead, nitrates and several other contaminants.

What’s more, a Reverse Osmosis system can considerably improve your water’s taste and quality by removing chlorine and other unpleasant tastes. When you decide on treating the whole house with a POE (point of entry) system, which is installed where the water enters the house, you should first be able to identify the cause of the problem (via a water analysis).

The moment you have determined what causes the taste problem, you can search on the type of water treatment equipment designed to meet your specific needs.

When my well water was analyzed, it tested positive for coliform bacteria. What are coliform bacteria and how can you address this problem?

A. When water has coliform bacteria, this means that the well is prone to bacteria contamination. You have many options to address this problem. One solution is to have the well disinfected and retest your water for coliform.

If the next test still shows that water tested positive for coliform, you should consider a whole house water treatment system. Ultraviolet (UV) water disinfection is the most common way of treating waterborne bacteria.